Sunday, 23 May 2010

Xingyi Sword by Master Sun Ruxian

Sun Laoshi is one of the best Martial Artist I have encountered, he is also a gentleman with a big heart. Forever humble, yet he is powerful and skillful. He is a great swordsman, and have taught in Japan amongst several countries, in that sense he shares the same generosity as teacher Mike. He is also very talented as a musician in traditional Chinese music, he loves his tea (he has a beautiful tea set) and fishing. The few times I was learning Kung Fu from him or have dinner together, he was a very caring person. In training he calls the students: Mr. ... because he sees them as friends having fun and sharing the art together. (even though he is truly a skilled master in front of novices)

His Xingyi is beautifully rounded, with a deep rooted power. Like a wave coming from the deep sea and wash you away. He can learn a form of over 100 movement within 2 days. Yet he is very very humble.

This sword form he taught us in 2008 during a Belgium camp in 2008.

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