Friday 23 April 2010

Thoughts from a master...

photo: Zhang Xin Bin Laoshi, source: youtube

Once, a great teacher in Tongbei, master Zhang Xin Bin, who was also a good friend and Kung Fu brother from Sifu Mike Martello told this story about himself:

"When I was young I was very hard to my students, always criticizing, always being negative. At some point my students couldn't take it and left or didn't progress. Then I start to realize that my friends and family are also suffering from my ranting, and I asked myself, maybe it is not the fault of the world. Maybe it is me."

From then on he changed and cared for his students, his friends and family. He focused on constructive criticism and encouragement. Feeling his care, his students progress well and the master is happier with his life inside and outside the training.

It is easy for a master to demand respect from others because he has worked very hard for his own achievement, but it takes true courage and wisdom for someone who is already a master to be open and vulnerable for self-criticism.

Questioning yourself is important for self grow. And this question is worth a million if asked in a sincere way.

"Maybe it is not the fault of the world, maybe it is me"

1 comment:

  1. Very true words ... I hope a lot of people will read this.
